Avoid Returning Home To An Empty House With These Security Tips

June 28th, 2023

homeowners work hard to earn the money that they use to pay for their properties, cars, and belongings. The last thing people want is to have their homes broken into while they are away, but unfortunately, sometimes, that is exactly what happens. According to an article on the Credit Donkey website, most burglaries occur between 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. That period is when family members are most likely to be gone for the day.

If no prior security measures have been taken, the criminal can sneak inside the home, steal everything that isn't mounted down, and disappear without anyone being the wiser. That is, until the homeowners return from work, running errands, working out, or doing whatever. They are then left scared, wondering if the thief will come back to the scene of the crime. 

Thankfully, there are some ways for people to safeguard their properties. These tips can help homeowners protect their assets and people. Hence, curious parties should read on to see what the following sections have in store.  

Periodically Inspect Door And Window Locks

Most burglars don't hatch elaborate schemes to get inside homes as they show in movies. Rather, many times, the thieves gain entrance through unlocked doors and windows. Therefore, people that air out their houses from time to time, to let fresh air in, should periodically inspect the mechanisms to ensure they are in the closed positions, as there is no point in making things easier on burglars.

While giving the locks a once over, individuals should also make sure that the devices are functioning correctly. If there are any faulty units, they should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Now, let's move onto the next tip. 

Periodically Inspect Door And Window Locks

Most burglars don't hatch elaborate schemes to get inside homes as they show in movies. Rather, many times, the thieves gain entrance through unlocked doors and windows. Therefore, people that air out their houses from time to time to let fresh air in should periodically inspect the mechanisms to ensure they are in the closed position, as there is no point in making things easier on burglars.

While giving the locks a once over, individuals should also make sure that the devices are functioning correctly. If there are any faulty units, they should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Now, let's move on to the next tip. 

Invest In A Home Security System

Alarms, cameras, and sensors can serve as burglar deterrents. According to a study conducted by the Stamford Advocate, of 400 criminals surveyed, 60-percent of respondents said they searched for the systems when casing targets. Some of the individuals even admitted that the presence of security systems often caused them to change their minds about breaking into the places. So, if a homeowner's primary concern is to keep burglars at bay, perhaps there is no better way to achieve the feat than with a high-quality home security system. 

Prune The Trees Around Your Two-Story Home

Peeping Toms, thieves, kidnappers, and more can scale trees to enter homes through second-floor patios or windows. Not all criminals will go to such lengths, but the determined ones will. Thus, homeowners should take the time to prune trees next to their two-story homes. The action will give you and your family peace of mind knowing that people can't gain access to the inside of the house via branches and limbs. These landscaping duties can also help a person keep their yard looking luxurious and gorgeous.

Contact our office to discuss your home security system options. 

Call (806) 687-0201